Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 17
Die Sander Schulen

Seiten 51 - 52

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Seite 1

flagge eng 17: The two schools at Sand
The inconspicuous timber framed house opposite the pub “Schwäke” was the first school of Sand. In 1842 the building was erected at Heidkamp as a club house and in 1850 was “relocated” to the present place where it was turned into a school. There was a dire need for one. In 1832 75 children subject to compulsory school attendance had to walk the long distance to Bergisch Gladbach every day. The first teacher, Mr. Zimmermann - his lodgings were in an annex attached to the school – received 180 Taler (florins) a year. This sum included 11 Taler (florins) and 26 Silbergroschen (silver dimes) to compensate him for cleaning the stove as well as a monthly allocation of 3 Silbergroschen for every pupil. As the number of children in the borough kept growing today’s school was built opposite the church at the corner of Schulstraße / Sander Straße. It already had fresh water many years before at the beginning of the 20th century the municipal water conduit was installed. The nearby village-well supplied the school with the water that was needed. In 1899 the new school had already become too small and was therefore extended.

Seite 1

flagge eng Were the children of Sand particularly clean or are the summers extremely hot? In any case in 1900 a school bath was put into the extension at a time when there wasn’t a single indoor swimming pool in Bergisch Gladbach. The inhabitants of Sand were also allowed to make use of the pool. With an average number of 300 baths a year this amenity was extensively used. In 1946 the undenominational school was made into a parochial school so that the Protestant children had to go to Bergisch Gladbach as had been the case before 1850. Since 1968 the building has been a catholic primary school. The first school building has been let for a long time and is used as a home. Though it is under municipal preservation order it looks rather run down and doesn’t make a good impression.

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